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"Vinnie" Venous Insufficiency Leg

by Nasco Healthcare

Use for teaching, training, competency testing, and skills assessment in caring for patients with this condition. The following conditions are represented: venous ulcer, cellulitis, stasis dermatitis, varicose veins, hemosiderin staining, vasculitis, lipodermatosclerosis, calciphylaxis, pyoderma gangrenosum, healed foot ulcer, fungal thickened toenails, maceration, diabetic ulcer, atrophie blanche, pitting edema, and reticular and telangiectasia veins. The model can also be used as a teaching tool and practice leg for clinicians learning about/practicing compression wrapping. Optional display stand sold separately, SB50124. (VATA Item #0556-same case can be used for either Annie or Vinnie).